

The Castle of Berat

The fortress of Berat is erected on a hill of 187 meters high, on the left side of the Osumi River. Originally, a protourban settlement, in the seventh-century BC, as an important strategic point, it became a castle-walled town that reached a length of up to 1,400 meters and an area of ​​10 ha.

Historical sources testify that since this year the fortress of Berat has been the object of various attacks. Various historical documents of the time contain a variety of names. The ancient name Antipatrea is mentioned in 216 BC. The Romans were also called Albanorum oppidium (the fortress of Arberve). One of the most beautiful, largest and most important monuments of Albanian history and culture is undoubtedly the fortress of Berat. With its prominent triangular shape, it rises above a 187m high hill, which is located on the right bank of the Osumi River, dominating its valley (Moon Spahiu, City of Iliro-Arbëror of Berat, Tirana, 1990, pg. 9-11).

 In the past, the security of this fort was the best because its designers built it on this hill where the south side knocks on Osum, the eastern and western sides have a large slope while on the northern side the hill slopes sweetly towards Biftha's neck, secure communication. The walls have a perimeter of 1400 m long eastern bridle of this triangle is 620 m long while the other two are equal and long 410 m (Berat, History and Architecture, Tirana, 1988, p. 34). Unlike other castles, the fortress of Berat has been equipped with 24 towers which are named today with the Turkish name TABJE along with the walls they belong to different periods of construction beginning in the IV century BC and ending during the time of Ali's rule I saw Tepelena (1813-1821). Within the area of ​​9.6 ha of castle there are several churches, some of which ruin, Turkish Sarajet, ruins of two mosques, water cranes called Saranxha, Sallabanda Square, square called big field etc.

While most of this inner courtyard is occupied by a series of alleys, gardens, bachets and residential houses that make up the neighborhood called the castle. In total this monument has four communication gates. One of them and the one that presents the most interest due to its constituent elements is that of the southeastern side. After passing through, you enter a fortified courtyard, where a second gate is on the right side of an arch (Apollo Baça, Fortified City of Berat, Monument 2, 1971, p. 43-63), there is a red brick monogram belonging to the Byzantine buildings of 1204. Built as the whole defensive complex by Epirus Despot Mihal I Gate with cross-shaped monogram with initials MK today also retains the same name "Mihal Komnen's Gate".

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