

Characters of Albanian mythology.

The Albanian myth has its early origins since the beginning of human salvation, and that part that has remained preserved to this day has come to us through characters with the possibilities, messages and very different, almost supernatural and set in function of the event and the time at which the event takes place.
This millennial continuity has enabled many old beliefs, many preoccupations of the people of the age to be preserved, and also the intercultural communication of people and peoples of that age.
This emerges from the common and distinctiveness of their myth.
Many mythical characters are transferred from myth to myth, from people to people, from confession to confession, and differ from one another by name only, which they take in the words of the language in which they are created, have the same features and perform the same actions.
The Albanian myth, with the widow and the common with the myths of other peoples, has awakened interest for scholars, beginners of foreign ones, such as Petersen, Hahni, Majeri and others.
Although we have many institutions for the study of heritage, culture and art, Albanian mythology has not been studied and compared to the level it deserves.
Albanian mythology, as a science, is very young and those who are engaged as professionals with it have worked very hard for the study of myths to bring out all mythical figures; it was not taken enough with the authenticity of mythical characters and even less was done to compare our myth with the myth of other peoples.
However, the subject is, the possibilities are, the experts are. We believe that Albanian mythology will soon reach the appropriate scientific level.
Some of the characters of the Albanian myth:
1. ORA is a mythical figure of rare beauty, minded and always ready to act, to bring good and punishment to her environment and to the beings to which it relates. Yes, in popular creativity, it mostly symbolizes good fortune and the coming of a time of prosperity. From this should have come the Albanian naming for measuring time: hour - the future, luck.

2. ZANA E MALIT has more or less similar features to the Clock, but it looks more mobile, more beautiful, with closer action, but more is the Albanian mythological creature with incredibly original autochthonous and comparable features more with such Balkan and mountainous figures of the populations on the Balkan peninsula and is far enough comparable to the Artemide of the Greeks, the Diale of the Romans. It is difficult to go to a comparison to the Illyrian Thana. According to tradition, they have two characters: softened, which helps the kreshnikas in their battles, and the idyllic character who sells (tough) when their tranquility breaks. Horns of wild goats are the protection and weakness of the fairies. Crafts guard their territories with jealousy and sell those who disrupt their silence or surprise them when they are walking through the meadows of the mountains. Therefore, even when going to the mountain, it is a tradition to make a noise to inform them about the approach of man. Zana is also a symbol of fertility.

3. NANA OF VOTER is an artistic sense of voting because it is a symbol of the hope of Albanians, preserved as such by the tribal order, where after the tribe the fire belonging to the family and the individual within it was what it made man feel somewhere, had the autonomy and this also comes to us in the folk creativity, so to preserve and cultivate life in the family home care Nana of Votra.

4. MATTERS are the ancient deities in Albanian mythology, originated from the age of matriarchy, thin skulls, in many cases spinning hair or fur, or brushed hair. They often identify with three sisters who determine the child's fate.

5. THE HOMELESS BUILDING in some variants of popular creations equates to Voters' Nan.

6. DRES OF DETE is a kind of siren but with authentic features in Albanian folk mythology.

7. FLOҪKA or the Bride of Waters in Albanian folk-creativity was a very beautiful, long-haired girl. She kept the waters of the rivers and lakes and was inspirational to the disciples. He lived mainly through streams of rivers and lakes.

8. CLAIMING We meet in folk creativity (often in art) as a very beautiful girl with hair-related bristles, with a smile sculpted in the face and often appear with features that resemble those of Floccka.

9. THE HOUSEHOLD is a typical figure of the Albanian folk mythology, presented in anthropomorphic form. In the spring nights he puts the ear to the ground, to watch if he does not come afar off or to hear the sound of the drizzle. It always goes through the daggers of Dhamsutha, the dwarf weasel that crosses the mountains and the seas and leads away.

MONSTER is a character of Albanian fairy tales and beliefs, with an enormous body and supernatural power. Appears as a big gourd, eating meat, picking up girls and putting it under and where he has his apartment. In Elbasan, they said that Divat was supposed to boil Llixhë's water through large pots.


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