

The History of Secret Societies: Templar Knights, Illuminati, Masons.

The dark forces of secret societies have changed our history since the beginning of the times. Each of them had the purpose to use all the talent, money and power that they manage to benefit.

Outside the territories that these societies want to invade, or if we call them differently the influences, are the economy, religion, education and politics. societies usually practice strange rituals and sometimes some of them are perverse, port all these are done to sanctify their engagement in society. They run our financial institutions, our churches, and even our schools. It seems that they come to be where we do not imagine, since often those who have appeared before them as enemies or those who have tried to expose these forces have often lost their lives in this process. Often without realizing how and by whom did this come about.

Templar Knights

On May 10, 310 in Paris, France, 54 members of the Templar Knights Order were burned in the woodcocks as heretics. Their campaign of persecution continued. While most historians agree that the Temple Knights were completely dissolved 700 years ago, some people believe that the Order went underground and remains in existence.

In the 18th century, certain organizations, especially the Freemasons, revived some of the medieval symbols and traditions of Temple Knights.
Recently, the legendary stories that the temples discovered the cup with which Jesus drank the wine at Holy Grail when they took the Temple Mount in Jerusalem found their way into popular books and movies.
Who were the Knights Templar?

After Christian warriors invaded Jerusalem during the First Crusade, pilgrims from all over Western Europe began to visit the Holy Land. About 1118, a French knight named Hugues de Payens founded a military order devoted to protecting these pilgrims, calling it "Templar Knights". In 1129, the horsemen received formal approval of the Catholic Church, and new recruits and generous donations began to sprout from all over Europe.

Familiar with the strict code of conduct and the style of dressing, the Templars established new chapters across Western Europe. They developed a reputation as a fierce warrior during the Crusades and formed a network of banks, earning big financial incomes.
At the height of their influence, they created a significant fleet of ships, owned the island of Cyprus, and served as key lenders for European monarchs.
Muslim soldiers regained Jerusalem and returned the crusade wave at the end of the 12th century, forcing the Templars to relocate their operations base in Paris.


When talking about the "Illuminati" or about a "New World Order, many people think it is a tale that has nothing to do with reality.

In fact, televisions and big newspapers do not want to talk about this argument and those little internet sites treat the subject as something exaggerated and unrealistic, losing credibility. But by analyzing a little deeper the reality surrounding us, maybe not everything is invented. 
Who Are the 'Bright'? As the word itself says, they are the carriers of 'Light', but their light is apparently Satan. I belong to this esoteric group of 13 richest families and are characters who really command the world: ASTOR, BUNDY, COLLINS, DUPONT, FREEMAN, KENNEDY, LI, ONASSIS, ROCKFELLER, ROTHSCHILD, RUSSELL, VAN DUYN, MEROVINGIENE.

Their feature is the fact that they are hidden in the public eye and are very careful to keep the blood connection from generation to generation without interruption.
Their power lies in the invisible and the economy based on the expression "money creates power".
One of the biggest businesses to make money is that of the drug.
Drugs are an illegal drug all over the world, and in some countries traffickers can be sentenced to death. Then naturally the question arises: "How is it possible that the UN and the various states can not restrain its production?"

In Colombia for several years, the US anti-drug agency (DEA) is committed to cocaine production, but reality shows that the consumption of this drug in recent decades has steadily increased. The same phenomenon also results in Afghanistan, where opium production has increased tenfold since the US military occupied this country. There are large cannabis plantations in Morocco, out of which 3,000 tons of hashish are extracted. "Is it not possible for these plantations to be localized and burned? Or would such a thing affect the interests of some individuals? "
If we think about the current situation of our planet we find that there are civil and religious wars, violence, corruption in the most developed countries, increasingly drug use, persistent growing poverty, media control, the removal of man from faith to the Lord. All elements that weaken governments and manipulate masses, in such a way as to reach the plan of a 'New World Order'.


We have often heard about the Masons, but to date we have little or no knowledge about them. What are the Masons, where did they come from? These are questions that still remain the greatest mystery of mankind.

Who constitutes this mysterious Association, also known as: Power and Movement, Organization, Order Order, Institution, Society and Brotherhood, Club etc. but always secretive?
Masonry is a brotherhood featuring a group of men (as sisters present a group of females) that come together as: There is something they want to do in this world, first of all for themselves and for others. ATA, are for progress, and wanting to change the world, of course for the better, as their own, but also their friends, who are not few.
The word Mason is used very often and with many meanings and interpretations, even with some kind of shame!

According to Klaić, Mason (a frankman, a free mason) is a member of a secret religious-philosophical association ... In the Albanian Language Dictionary (Tirana, 2002), Masons are said to be: the Mason means the follower of masonry, a member of the organization of masonry .
As for Masonry, it is said that she is "the secretive stream and mystic rite born in Europe in sh. XVIII, for aid and solidarity and which became an international organization; secret association ". In SVEZNADAR, (Encyclopedia) Zagreb, 1953, for Free Masonry (Fr. Francmaconnerie, Free-masonry, German.
Freimaurerei, (Masonry) is said to be a FIRST ASSOCIATION. Based on symbolic forms, images and parables, in the majority, of the masons, through the morality and spiritual upbringing, this association strives to create a better fortune for mankind. Masons are gathered in separate organizations, loggia.

They are divided into three categories: pomegranate, chef-knife and master; the chairman of the lodge is the Great Virgin. The Great Lodge is the highest organ. Masonry finds its origin from medieval builders, craft associations with its own rights and status.
The new Masonry was created in 1717 when four (4) workshops were built in London, withdrawn from the masonry and their basic purpose remained the spiritual building, the moral rise and the unity of all mankind. In 1721, Anderson drafted the Constitutions (Constitution - the Statute), which today are the basis for the activities of the lodges.
In the eighteenth century the lodges were greatly enlarged, while in the period of capitalism and the rise of the civic classes, most became the instrument of bourgeois politics.

In the General Encyclopaedia of the Lexicographic Bureau, 1964, states: Masonry spread in many places, in a mystical way, is a movement organized under a severe hierarchy that was born under the conditions of a liberal civilization. At first it was related to the traditions of the masonry associations (maçon = mason) by their name and their symbols (compass and angel).
Though their program tasks and their underlying purpose was "the advancement of morality", though initially representing progressive ideas, of a liberal and anticlerical civilization, this reform movement became increasingly an exclusive community to mutually help members of society rich and those with "prestige" from the midst of the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie "

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