

The mysteries that have remained unresolved in the world.

There are many mysteries in the world, but some are more popular and are troubled for centuries by the bigger minds. Here's what mysteries are:

Stonehenge, England

Stonehenge is covered with many myths and legends. It is believed to have been built between the 4th and 3rd centuries BC, but nobody knows exactly how and what exactly it represents. Although there are many theories about it, it is still in the list of outstanding mysteries.

Pyramid of Cheops in Giza, Egypt

The only wonder of the ancient world that still exists today is, in fact, a great grave. Experts believe it was completed in 2540 BC, while the pyramid is considered one of the tallest buildings built with human power without modern technology. The Giza Pyramids (the other two, not just the Keops) are still considered mysteries today, because no one has come to explain how people can unite these massive blocks that successfully resist the disasters of the time.

 The Lost City of Atlantis

Firstly, this city has mentioned Plato, an island in which a highly advanced civilization lives. According to legend, it is believed that Atlantida existed until it was destroyed by a natural disaster, such as earthquakes or floods. It is believed that it then became an underwater kingdom protected by sirens, and to the question of whether this city exists and where we are, we have never received an answer, although for a while the Adriatic was considered to be the site of Atlantis.

 The Kingdom of the Inks

The powerful empire of ink is still one of the greatest mysteries, while it has existed there in the mid-1200s and 1535s in South America. Their modern capital was on the tip of a mountain and difficult to reach, while today it is known as Machu Picchu. The city during that time was special, given the irrigation canal system, while the creation of the city and the disappearance of an entire civilization remain covered with the veil of secrecy.

Petra, Jordan

 "The Lost City", as they call it, contains thousands of houses, tombs, castles and pagodas, as well as the theater, which can occupy three thousand people. The fact is that Petra is a magical city built on the cliff that looks like a destiny of tales, but its creation is one of the most unexplained mysteries of the world. It is believed that the city was built in the 1st century BC p.e.s. and still have many mysteries.

The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is considered to be responsible for the eradication of many ships and aircraft, and it is also believed that this number has already risen to 140, with a total of 1,400 passengers. Many believe in supernatural explanations. Scientists have so far not given any concrete answers, except for the story of strong magnetic waves in the area, which change the weather in seconds. In any case, the Bermuda Triangle is one of the most famous mysteries.

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