

The towers of Theth are visited by tourists.

A stone tower that has entered and has remained in history as a strange instrument of judgment and punishment. A stone-framed castle, with small holes that represented the window and its foundations, is embedded in the rock.

A fortress built at the end of the village and close to the church, about 100m west of it, is the famous Theth Towers tower.
Today this tower has become an incredibly accessible facility where the tourist teaches the history, tradition and customary codes of the past of the area.

One of them is the Keeping Tower in Theth. It is located under the feet of the Namuna Mountains and is typical of this area and of an unfinished history.
It was the dwelling of those families who for reasons of blood feud were forced to close there men above the age of 14. Only the housewives were free to go out and work a bit of land in front of the tower. Today the tower is visitable and is located in an area of ​​great tourist value.

In a conversation with her owner, Sokol Koçeku, a middle-aged man, he recounts the history of the tower and her deeds. The first events from this tower are a separate novel and they take a long time to tell, and one of them 7 Saddam, Saddam, who left us in Shkodra with their own affair.
The tower, built on three floors, has limited spaces and small turret. The furniture is scarce and the most neccessary ones like sofas, pots of water and some dirt beds, of course, and killer weapons. Each floor represents the level of crime. When the crime was judged too unfair, the killer was placed on the first floor where there was a large stone rock and a little furniture.

When the crime was judged on average, the murderer was placed on the middle floor and the upright on the upper floor. Just like in Hell of Dante, in the judgment. Today this tower has become an incredibly accessible facility where the tourist teaches the history, tradition and customary codes of the past of the area.
In the country there are several towers to be presented as a tourist destination, but also by paying attention to maintenance and infrastructure. They are national wealth and should be valued as such.

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