

The Balkans was called Skanderbeg: The map of the region of 1455 was discovered.

Another similar case when territories are defined by the name of a man can only be in the case of America. But it happens with our national hero Gjergj Kastriot Skanderbeg, on this map of 1455, dedicated to Pope Nicholas of Five in which the Balkan territory faces the Skanderbeg toponym.

"The discovery of this map has been one of the luckiest things that happened to me in my life. It is a toponym in the heart of the southern Balkans where in the center of this space between the Adriatic Sea and the Aegean Sea is the Scanderbego toponym, "Artan Shkreli, architect, researcher of the Cartography of the Middle Ages, told Top Channel.

It is an extraordinary case where the name of a territory is identified by the name of a figure, identified with his people and with the metropolitan fears of Europe of that time.
"The map was made in 455 by Bartolomeo Pareto, who was a cartographer who supplied the Vatican with geographic maps. It was a close relative of Pope Nicholas V, "said Artan Shkreli, architect, researcher of the medieval cartography.

We're dealing with two geniuses.
"This is the motive that Genoa has presented so great on the map in relation to other cities, because it attaches importance to this fact. Undoubtedly, Genoa in SHEEP XV was one of Europe's most important cities because it was a republic. Like Venice. They were the maritime Republics that controlled the streets of the Mediterranean, "explains Artan Shkreli, architect, researcher of the medieval cartography.

Why is the discovery of this map important at this time?
"Skanderbeg appears as a European hero here. Just as he was an important European hero. And this map definitively undermined efforts to say that Skanderbeg became a thief after his death. All the emphasis on this figure after death was much smaller than he represented in his life, "says Artan Shkreli, architect, researcher of the medieval cartography.

This map will remain exposed to the public for two weeks at the COD at the premier. Then it will return to the Central National Library of Rome, where it will be stored in special shelves.

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