

Illyrian pyramid of discovery that is astonishing the world

Several pyramids have been discovered in Bosnia, which are found to have been built by the Illyrians. By the way they are built, they are extremely sophisticated, which has surprised many experts.

According to the American-Bosnian historian and archeologist, Sam Semir Osmanagic, the pyramids in Bosnia, that of the Sun, Moon and Month are the oldest pyramids ever built on the Earth's surface.

The pyramids were discovered in 2006, in Visoko, a town 20 kilometers from the Bosnian capital, Sarajevo.
Even, according to the Bosnian archaeologist who discovered them, the pyramids are even more ancient than the pyramids of Egypt.

"The highest pyramid in the world is that of Giza, 145 meters, the highest Pyramid of Maya is El Mirador - 103 meters, but the world's tallest pyramid is that of Bosnia, called the 220 meter Pyramid of the Sun . The deviation from the north is 0 degrees, 0 minutes, and 12 seconds. There has never been a more accurate orientation than the one in the Sun Pyramid, "explained Semir Osmanagic, transmeton INA.

Some local geologists prove that these are merely geological composition, but Osmanagic says they have data that they are man-made.

According to the archeologist he discovered, Osmanagic, the Illyrian pyramids in Bosnia were not mentioned before because they were hiding from the political system in the former Yugoslavia

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