

The most fearsome places in the world.

There are some countries in the world that are famous for the fear they cause us. Cause fear because of events that occurred or because of legends. We present you to seven countries that are considered places that put fear in their minds for the mystery they carry

Castles "Bran" Brasov, Romania

It is said that the author of Kont Dracula, Bram Stoker, has based the Vampire novel in the character of Prince Vlad, who lived in the castle in the 15th century. Stoker was inspired exactly by the rage of Prince Vlad's violence. The fortress still serves as one of the world's most fearsome places.

Tower of London London, England

It is said that the ghost of Anne Boleyn, the executed wife of King Henry VIII, walks in the corridors, holding her crooked head and seeking her unfaithful husband who executed her to marry another woman.

Catacombet Paris, France

They are the exhumation of the exhumed bodies in the 18th century from the overcrowded cemeteries. A line of skulls and bones is found on the walls, and some guests claim that the whispered ghosts of displaced deaths have been heard.

Area 51 Nevada, USA

Located in the south of Nevada, Area 51 is a top-secret zone of government serving as a place for various air testing. But people around the globe say they've been seeing UFOs for years. This has attracted many visitors from all over the world who are hoping to see an alien.

Umarcester Valley, New York, USA

Every October, visitors gather here to watch an actor who plays the role of a headless rider, according to the character of the novel "Dream of the Sleeping Valley". There gather many visitors, usually those who are passionate about horror stories.

"Loch Ness" Invernes, Scotland

Many people head to "Loch Ness", a lake with fresh water in the Scottish Mountains in search of an elusive creature and gunge at the expense. It is considered one of mysterious creatures and its legends date back to the 6th century.

Stop "Monte Cristo" New South Wales, Australia

This house built at the end of 1800 is said to be inhabited by the ghosts of the ten people who died there. They include a minor daughter of the owner, a pregnant woman who pushes her from the balcony and a gardener who was killed by a visitor who was in the movie "Psycho"

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